Meets to plan worship according to the liturgical year and discuss worship related issues. We also at times develop special services related to the ministries and concerns of Faith Lutheran Church.
Property Stewardship Committee
The PSC was formed when Faith purchased the property next door. Their initial responsibility was overseeing the renovation of the house for completion as soon as possible. Since then, their responsibilities have grown to include other “property development” projects such as the accessibility ramp, bathrooms, storage addition, and sanctuary revitalization. Part of their work is also programmatic and how our buildings serve those purposes.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of individuals who prepare the sanctuary for worship. This includes setting up bread and wine for weekly communion as well as transitioning the paraments for various liturgical seasons. There are two people assigned for each month who either work together each Sunday of that month or trade off the weeks. The commitment is generally one month per year. Please contact the church office if you are interesting in joining this ministry.
Church Council
This small group of dedicated individuals who meet once a month to do the church’s business. Not only do we address financial, staffing, and programmatic issues, but we also help set mission and ministry goals. A term is 3 years and we are elected during the Annual Meeting at the beginning of the year.